Summer Party Updates

Hello CHOA residents.  When getting your mail, you will
notice flyers on your mailboxes for our Annual Summer Party.  

The flyers have details on our Annual CHOA summer party.  Delicious foods from Killer Burger with Hamburgers and Chicken Sandwiches (both with fries), Cookie Crumbles, and Norton’s.

 Have new neighbor(s)?  Let them know it is a fun event and bring them with you.  Friends and grandchildren as well.  Dinner all taken care of!  This is an opportunity to visit with neighbors and meet new ones. 

We have some great door prizes.  Raffle tickets will be handed out when you sign in. 

The CHOA Board looks forward to seeing you.  We are available for questions. 

 Let’s get this party started!

 Any questions?  Call Mary Fieweger 503-519-4388 or email 

 Your CHOA Board

Food Drive Drop-off

Wednesday, August 28, 2024 – Food Drive
Volunteers will be collecting donations for the Charbonneau Food Drive, in partnership
with our local Wilsonville Community Sharing, on Wednesday, August 28th, (the fourth
Wednesday of August) from 8:30 AM to 1 PM in the CCC Activity Center.
The items most in need for the August 28, 2024 drop-off are:

  • Spaghetti sauce, chili & stews
  • Canned fruits (not applesauce), canned corn & peas
  • Salad dressings, toothpaste
    Any form of contribution (make checks made payable to “Wilsonville Community
    Sharing”, cash or gift cards) is greatly appreciated!
    Wilsonville Community Sharing sends out a big “thank you” to all of you for making the
    first seven months of 2024 so successful, with 3,840 pounds of food/toiletries and
    $11,740 being donated to help local families in need!
    Thank you for your kind generosity!

If you have questions, contact David Olson at


Don’t miss the Door Prizes, the Food, Crumble Cookies and Half Pint Brothers Ice Cream Cones.

Mark your calendars and join us in the Clubhouse Dining Room and Pavilion from 4pm-7pm on Saturday, August 24th, for CHOA’s Annual Summer Party.

Please see attached invite.

Call Mary Fieweger with any questions 503-519-4388.

Be in the know

This post is coming to you from the CCC.

As a reminder:  The CCC Board of Directors allows one campaign sign per residence, not to exceed five square feet, and not to be displayed more than 25 days prior to an election and removed promptly the day following Election Day.  Oct 12th is the start of the 25 days.

The topic of flags has come up recently as some concerns have arisen with the upcoming election, because flags are being flown about candidates. The US Flag is the only flag specifically mentioned in our Architectural Control Standards. This can be found on page 17 in the revised ACC edition which is on our CCC website, located at the link below.

Charbonneau Country Club Architectural Control Standards

The “Yard or Garden Art” section has these specifics:

  • “The definition of yard art is broad and presents difficulty when attempting to define standards for acceptability. Yard Art cannot be something that would be reasonably expected to offend other homeowners or residents in terms of size, color, materials, or content.”
  • “Movable or stationary yard art or garden art placed within public view or within line-of-sight of any neighbor(s) must have written approval by the Charbonneau Architectural Control Committee or the applicable Homeowner Association Architectural Control Committee (HOA-AC) prior to installation or placement.”
  • “If complaints are received, the HOA reserves the right to direct a homeowner to remove the yard art in question.”
  • “Items exempt from the yard art definition and therefore are permitted include: US flags;…….. etc.

Neighborhood “A” Power Washing to Begin

Monday July 29th will be the first day of pressure washing for Neighborhood “A” starting at 32180 SW Boones Bend Rd.  The painters will provide a 3-5-day notice, personally, by door hanger or a piece of blue tape on your garage, prior to pressure washing.  Additional 3-5-day notices will then be given prior to surface preparation and actual painting.

Each homeowner is responsible for cutting back plants and shrubbery a minimum of 12” from surfaces to be painted inside their courtyard.  Remember to Remove Wall Art, Yard Art, Trellis’s, Flowerpots and Hanging Baskets.  Move any outside Furniture or BBQ’s away from house walls and fences.

 If you have any questions regarding your 2024 painting, please contact Mike or Steve Chinn at 503-266-5351.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024 – Food Drive Drop-off

The following message if from Dave Olson

Cell: 503-367-0684

Lead Person – Charbonneau Food Drive

Volunteers will be collecting donations for the Charbonneau Food Drive, in partnership with our local Wilsonville Community Sharing, on Wednesday, July 24th, (the fourth Wednesday of July) from 8:30 AM to 1 PM in the CCC Activity Center.

The items most in need for the July 24, 2024 drop-off are:

· Hearty soups

· Canned fruits

· Snack items – fruit snacks, protein bars, graham crackers, chips, goldfish, cracker sandwiches w/cheese or peanut butter filling, etc.

Any form of contribution (make checks made payable to “Wilsonville Community Sharing”, cash or gift cards) is greatly appreciated!

Wilsonville Community Sharing sends out a big “thank you” to all of you for making the first six months of 2024 so successful, with 3,311 pounds of food/toiletries and $9,885 being donated to help local families in need!

Thank you for your kind generosity!

SAVE THE DATE-Summer Party

On Saturday, August 24th, CHOA will have our annual Summer Party. Mark your calendars and join us in the Clubhouse Dining Room and Pavilion from 3pm-7pm. Meet the CHOA Board members and many of your neighbors “new and old”.

We have two food trucks coming plus Ice Cream and Cookies!

Please feel free to BYOB.

Call Mary Fieweger with any questions 503-519-4388.

Pool/Restroom Keys No Longer Need

New Doorknobs have been placed on all Pool House main

doors.  Keys are no longer needed.  You can throw them away!

The individual Men/Women restroom doors inside the Pool

Houses have their own individual locks you may use for privacy.

Please leave the main Pool House Door Deadbolt unlocked when

using the facilities.

Rec Hall C pool has an occupied/vacant door lock since

It’s an individual Restroom.

Enjoy your summer!

Public Safety Notice

Yesterday afternoon, a resident on Boones Bend Rd was approached by a couple in an SUV as she collected her mail.  The female passenger engaged the resident in conversation, first asking for directions and then wanting to give the resident a “gift”. 

The couple stated that they were from Saudi Arabia (accented speech), and during the interaction, which involved both individuals in the car speaking in an attempt to keep the resident distracted, the female passenger began to surreptitiously remove jewelry from the resident’s wrist.  Feeling the clasp of the bracelet being worked, the resident rapidly withdrew their arm, but the passenger used the motion to strip the bracelets from the wrist. The driver immediately accelerated away.

They were driving a blue, newer model BMW SUV.

These individuals match the general description and method of a crew that has been working in the metro area for the last several months.  They may also be “panhandling” at freeway off-ramps or posing as broken-down motorists on the highway.  They usually have “nice” cars, i.e. Mercedes, BMW, Lincoln, etc.  It is all part of the window dressing to throw off your suspicions.

If you see similar situations on the local roads, DO NOT STOP and offer help.

If you think there is a traffic hazard, call 911, otherwise call the non-emergency line and report a stranded motorist.If you are approached by strangers (especially matching these general descriptions), do not hesitate to say “Not interested” and walk away or shut the door. 

*Do not worry about being rude. *


Pay attention to license plates, if possible. Report all suspicious incidents.  When reporting to the Sheriff’s Office, remember to describe the behaviors that caused you to be concerned.

Please call or email Neil Kennedy about any incident occurring within Charbonneau or the immediate area.

Clackamas County Non-Emergency 503-655-8211

Neil Kennedy at Charbonneau Country Club 503-694-2300;

Corporate Crime Control 503-505-3327

CHOA Board Meeting, July 10

DRAFT Agenda

Wednesday July 10, 2024 at 2:30 p.m. – CHOA Monthly Board Meeting at Rec Hall C and zoom


2:30 – Welcome and Call to Order

  • Note for guest: Please remember this is a board meeting, guests are not to interrupt unless asked to speak by the chairman.  If you do have a concern, it is best to put your concern in writing prior to the board meeting so that the board will have time to thoughtfully consider your concern. – Thank You

**Minutes from Last Meeting Approval –ALL 

2:35 Open Forum

Questions from Resident Attendees – 2 minutes maximum per person

2:45 Reports

**Treasurer’s Report and reserve study–Sandie Maki

     Insurance Report:  Claude Campbell and Jay Puppo

     President’s Report

     Property manager report

 3:45 Old Business

  • Committee Updates
    • Pools and Rec Hall– Judy/Steve
    • Landscape- – Karen
    • Welcome- Mary
    • Neighborhood Watch—Shirley
    • Emergency Preparedness—Marilyn
    • Architecture committee—Bob
  • Insurance Report—Claude Campbell and Jay Puppo

4:00 New Business 

  • Home Insurance

4:30  Adjourn

*Executive Session (as needed) –* Need to vote to move to executive meeting

** No need to approve by vote monthly minutes or treasurers report