Special CHOA Board Meeting

Subject: Special Board Meeting Regarding Home Insurance

Dear CHOA Members,

I trust this message finds you all in good health and spirits. I am writing to provide you with notice of a special board meeting, next Tuesday March 26 at 2:30pm, in Rec Hall C.  I have called this meeting – with unanimous consent of the board – to discuss potential savings regarding the CHOA home insurance policy.

Recently, the CHOA board has engaged in discussions with State Farm regarding the potential adjustment of the owner deductible on our home insurance, proposing an increase from $10,000 to $25,000. After thorough evaluation, State Farm has indicated significant potential savings for our HOA. This adjustment will lead to reduced insurance costs for each CHOA member. Even if the owner’s personal insurance premiums increase slightly, the overall financial benefit is anticipated to be favorable for all.  To be clear, your CHOA HOA insurance will go up this year regardless of what we do, but if we make the suggested change, it will go up less. 

With the imminent renewal of our State Farm policy scheduled for March 29, it is paramount that we act swiftly to leverage any potential savings. Consequently, I have arranged for a concise special board meeting to be held next Tuesday at 2:30 PM. The meeting will take place via Zoom (https://pdx.zoom.us/j/81792034875), and in person at Rec Hall C.

I understand the short notice for this meeting and apologize for any inconvenience it may cause. However, the board unanimously agrees on the urgency of this decision to seize the opportunity presented. Your attendance and participation, along with any questions or concerns you may have, are highly encouraged as we endeavor to make a well-informed decision that serves the best interests of our community.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Warm regards,

Randy Hitz, CHOA President

Wednesday, March 27, 2024 – Food Drive Drop-off

Volunteers will be collecting donations for the Wilsonville Food Drive, in support of the Wilsonville Community Sharing program, on Wednesday, March 27th, (the fourth Wednesday of March) from 8:30 AM to 1 PM in the Activity Center.

The items most in need this month are:

· Hearty soups, chili, beef broths

· Canned vegetables – not green beans

· Rice

· Toothbrushes

· Any form of contribution (make checks made payable to “Wilsonville Community Sharing”, cash or gift cards) is greatly appreciated!

Let us not forget that “one can or item” times each one of us in Charbonneau can make a big difference!

Wilsonville Cois a recordSharing sends out a big “thank you” to all of you for making February 2024 a record month with 620 pounds of food and toiletries being donated!

Thank you for your kind generosity!

March 13 CHOA Board Meeting Agenda

Draft Agenda

Wednesday March13, 2024 at 2:30 p.m. – CHOA Monthly Board Meeting at Rec Hall C and zoom: 

Zoom: https://pdx.zoom.us/j/86050103770 

2:30 – Welcome and Call to Order

  • Note for guests: Please remember this is a board meeting, guests are not to interrupt unless asked to speak by the chairman.  If you do have a concern, it is best to put your concern in writing prior to the board meeting so that the board will have time to thoughtfully consider your concern. – Thank You

**Minutes from Last Meeting Approval –ALL 

2:35 Open Forum

Questions from Resident Attendees – 2 minutes maximum per person

**Treasurer’s Report –Sandie Maki

President’s Report

Property manager report

 2:50 Old Business

  • Committee Updates
    • Pools/Bathrooms- Packard
    • Rec Hall C- Packard: report and policy recommendation regarding approving classes
    • Landscape- – Karen
    • Welcome- Mary
    • Neighborhood Watch—Shirley
    • Emergency Preparedness—Marilyn
    • Architecture committee—Bob

3:25 New Business 

  • Corporate Transparency Act
    • Board members will have to provide their personal identifying information (name, date of birth, address, driver’s license and/or passport).
  • Preparation for the annual meeting
  • Deductible on homeowner insurance

4:15 Executive Session

*Executive Session (as needed) –* Need to vote to move to executive meeting

** No need to approve by vote monthly minutes or treasurers report

Wednesday, February 28, 2024 – Food Drive Drop-off

Message from David Olson, Charbonneau Country Club.

Volunteers will be collecting donations for the Wilsonville Food Drive, in support of the Wilsonville Community Sharing program, on Wednesday, February 28th, (the fourth Wednesday of February) from 8:30 AM to 1 PM in the Activity Center.

The items most in need this month are:

· Rice, canned chili, chunky soups

· Canned vegetables except green beans

· Canned fruit except applesauce

· Any form of contribution (make checks made payable to “Wilsonville Community Sharing”, cash or gift cards) is valued and greatly appreciated!

Let us not forget that “one can or item” times each one of us in Charbonneau makes for a big difference.

Wilsonville Community Sharing sends out a big “thank you” to all of you for making January 2024 a successful start to the 2024 year!

Thank you for your kind generosity!

Reminder: February 14 Meeting

A meeting has been scheduled for all CHOA members on February 14 at 2:30 pm in Rec Hall C to discuss and vote on proposed bylaws changes approved by the board on January 10.  By now you should have received a proxy ballot with voting instructions.  If you have not received the proxy ballot, please contact Steve Chinn at 503-266-5351. 

You may vote by:

  • completing your ballot and bringing it to the meeting or
  • submitting a proxy by
    • sending it to CHOA secretary, Bob Bush at rcb01@aol.com
    • putting it in the CHOA deposit box on Boones Bend RD,
    • mailing it to PO Box 219, Wilsonville, OR  97070, or
    • giving it to someone to bring to the meeting.

The Board fully supports these changes and kindly requests your affirmative vote. Should you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at hitzrandy@outlook.com.

Water Pipes Bursting?

The last four days we have had sustained cold snap with temperatures in the teens and low twenties.  We have had a number of reports of frozen pipes bursting in courtyards and garages.  Please check your pipes and if possible check your neighbor’s pipes, especially those away from Charbonneau.

If you find a burst pipe and running water, you can turn off the water at the street and then deal with the problem. Also, if you know where the water shut off is in your house, garage, or crawl space under the house, then you can turn off the water with the valve on the meter at the street, and then deal with the problem.

Special CHOA Member Meeting

A meeting has been scheduled for all CHOA members on February 14 at 2:30 pm in Rec Hall C to discuss and vote on proposed bylaws changes approved by the board on January 10.  By now you should have received a proxy ballot with voting instructions.  If you have not received the proxy ballot, please contact Steve Chinn at 503-266-5351. 

You may vote by:

  • completing your ballot and bringing it to the meeting or
  • submitting a proxy by
    • sending it to CHOA secretary, Bob Bush at rcb01@aol.com
    • putting it in the CHOA deposit box on Boones Bend RD,
    • mailing it to PO Box 219, Wilsonville, OR  97070, or
    • giving it to someone to bring to the meeting.

The Board fully supports these changes and kindly requests your affirmative vote. Should you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at hitzrandy@outlook.com.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024 – Food Bank Drop-off

The following message is from David Olson, Charbonneau Country Club

Volunteers will be collecting donations for the Wilsonville Food Bank on Wednesday, January 24th, (the fourth Wednesday of January) from 8:30 AM to 1 PM in the Activity Center.

The items most in need this month are:

  • Baby wipes
  • Deodorant
  • Laundry pods
  • Any contribution in kind or funds (checks – made payable to “Wilsonville Community Sharing”, cash or gift cards) is valued and greatly appreciated!

Let us not forget that “one can or item” times each one of us in Charbonneau makes for a big difference.

Thank you for your kind generosity!

Pool Fences

You may have noticed that we replaced the fence at E pool.  We will soon replace those at A and B.  The old fences were in disrepair and needed to be upgraded to improve appearance, security and safety.  Clackamas County inspectors recommended six-foot fences so we have complied with that recommendation.