Pools Remaining open – NEW DATE!

Pools A, B and C  will now remain open through November 1st.  Enjoy the last of our sunshine for another couple of weeks.  Thank you.


Guest Parking Signs

Please note that in our continued effort to keep our Neighborhood safe and organized, we will be installing Guest Parking signs in all the common area parking spaces.  As part of this effort, we will also be restriping the lines in the Guest Parking areas to make clear where the spaces are.  As homeowners know, we do have parking rules and encourage all neighbors to comply with these rules.  The Guest Parking is for our Guests.  Homeowners have their own designated parking areas.

Please contact Steve Chinn with questions.

Thank you

Pools to Open!!

The Governor has just given the approval to open the pools on Monday.  Please practice social distancing and wearing masks unless in the water.  If you are experiencing any of the Covid-19 symptoms, please stay home to keep everyone safe.  The water fountain will be closed and there can be only one person in the bathroom at any time.

Please contact Steve Chinn with specific questions.  He can be reached at his office:  503-682-0234 or his Cell: 503-312-0927.


Garron Grounds Owner and General Manager Passes Away


Your CHOA Board is sad to inform you that Ken Bartus, owner of Garron Grounds, passed away in his sleep at home on Monday night.  Ken was dedicated to serving our community as he has done for many years.  That dedication was further evidenced by Ken putting into place, through his will and management documents, instructions for the continuation of his business.

CHOA’s property manager, Steve Chinn, and Landscape Chair, Karen Siegel, have met with Garron Staff.  We have been assured that Garron’s general landscape and irrigation maintenance service to our Community will continue and that Garron will have staff available for any emergencies.  We ask that any special requests for landscape and/or irrigation issues be directed to Steve Chinn or Karen Siegel who will work directly with Garron staff.

Thank you


Our current Architectural Chair, Doug Parker, has recently purchased a new home that is not located in the CHOA association (but is still in Charbonneau so we aren’t losing him entirely to our larger community) so will be resigning his position effective October 1, 2020.  We will miss his expertise and leadership on the board.

We are seeking a new Board member, ideally someone with some legal background.  This is not a requirement. This is a great opportunity to have input on what happens in your neighborhood.

If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Barry Hendrix at 503-754-0322

New Statewide Rules on Get-togethers and Face Coverings


From OHA (Oregon Health Authority): New statewide rules on get-togethers and face coverings

The governor has announced these two new rules as a result of a frank assessment of COVID-19 in our state:

  • Oregon reported more cases in the past week than we did in the entire month of May.
  • The last time we had fewer than 100 cases in a single day was more than a month ago.

The first rule is a statewide ban on indoor social get-togethers of more than 10 people. This includes gatherings such as dinner parties, birthday parties, potlucks and book clubs taking place indoors. It does not affect restaurants, churches, event venues and other organizations at this time. Businesses and other organizations that have been following the guidance about face coverings, distancing and sanitation have not currently been identified as sources of significant transmission. Effective July 15

The second new rule is that face coverings are mandated in outdoor spaces where distance of 6 feet or more from people outside your household cannot be maintained. This might come up at a crowded trailhead, on sidewalks while awaiting entry to a business or at an outdoor event. Effective July 15

This virus is extremely contagious, and many people don’t show symptoms for days. In that time, you can interact with dozens or, if you’re not careful, hundreds of other people in your social circle and community.
That’s why the three W’s continue to be so important:

  • Wear a face covering.
  • Watch your distance.
  • Wash your hands.

In addition to the new measures announced today, these are other actions we can all take to slow the spread of COVID-19.

  • If you can move activities outside, do so. The disease spreads less easily outdoors, and you can enjoy more of the Oregon summer.
  • If you run a business and can serve customers outside – do it.
  • Avoid groups of more than 10. And if you’re unexpectedly in a group of 10 or more, think hard about whether that’s a good choice, stay outside, keep 6 feet apart, and cover your face.
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Reminder- Feeding of Wild birds or animals except Hummingbirds is Prohibited in CHOA

As you know, we have seen an increase in the number of wild animals in Charbonneau- there have been recent reports and sightings of  Skunks, Raccoons, Rats and Mice.  Also, the local Squirrel population is getting larger.  They like to chew on the sprinkler heads which can destroy them and then we have to spend CHOA funds to replace the sprinkler heads.

In order to try to stem this trend, we want to help eliminate as much of their food sources as possible.  Therefore, we are asking that each CHOA neighbor refrain from feeding any animals and/or birds anywhere in CHOA or around your home except for Hummingbirds.  This includes inside your courtyard also.

In addition, please feed your pets indoors only and don’t leave them unsupervised outside.

Thanks in advance for your help here to make CHOA a safer neighborhood.

CHOA Board meetings scheduled for the rest of the year

Please note that the CHOA Board meetings schedule has been finalized.  All meetings will be held the 2nd Wednesday of each month:

Wednesday, June 10th at 10:00 am. Either Zoom or Rec Hall C- TBD by June 3rd

Wednesday, July 8th at 10:00 am Rec Hall C

Wednesday, August 12th at 10:00 am Rec Hall C

Wednesday, September 9th at 10:00 am Rec Hall C

Wednesday, October 14th at 6:00 pm Rec Hall C

Wednesday, November 11th at 10:00 am Rec Hall C

Wednesday, December 9th at 10:00 am Rec Hall C

Wednesday, January 13th at 10:00 am Rec Hall C

Wednesday, February 10th at 10:00 am Rec Hall C

Wednesday, March 10th at 6:00 pm Rec Hall C


The CHOA Board

Please Return Your Ballots If You Haven’t Done So!

Remember!  The May 19 primary election is a very important one.  Among other issues to be decided is a measure that would, if approved, limit the number of terms that Wilsonville’s mayor and city councilors could serve.  Make your vote count.  Mail your ballot right away!


Please note that starting Wednesday morning May 13th at about 9:00 am (subject to change due to weather or work schedules) Garron Grounds will have a limited supply of  hanging flower baskets available for $25 each at the E pool area on Winchester. Make your choice and place your check made out to Garron Grounds in the lock box.