September 11, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. Board members in attendance were: Jan Landis-
President, Sandie Maki – Treasurer, Janet McGarrigle-Welcoming, Ron Reiter-Architecture,
Steve Chinn – Property Manager; Packard Phillips – Pools, Doug Parker – Governance and

Robin Schulz – Ad Hoc. Barry Hendrix – Vice President and Communications, Karen Siegel-
Landscape, and Randy Hitz – Secretary, were excused. Doug agreed to take minutes in

Randy’s absence.
Guests: Kathleen Bowles, Cherie Conway, Laura Knofke and Tina Slogowski.
Minutes from the August Meeting were unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report – Sandie Maki
Sandie reviewed the Treasurer’s Report, which had previously been emailed to the Board
members (copy on file). A point of discussion was a water bill refund of approximately $600;
Steve made several requests to the City for a correct reading. Options to correct were
discussed. Sandie also advised that we will begin the 2020 budgeting process at the October
Old Business
Robin updated the Board on her discussions with the City concerning car speeds on Fairway
and Boones Bend. The Board discussed feedback from the posting, which several encouraging
slower speed limits, ordering more Slow Down signs and/or speed bumps. The signs placed on
both streets this summer have had favorable reaction, but three of the four on Fairway are
missing. A City of Wilsonville representative will be present at the October 9 board meeting,
which will be at 6:00 p.m.
Rec Hall agreement – Doug presented and received Board feedback on a draft agreement for
Rec Hall users. Doug will further revise and present an additional draft at the October meeting.
Neighborhood Watch – a representative from the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Department will
provide training on September 21st
Reserve accounting study – a subcommittee will meet on September 16 to work on a
recommendation to the Board.
The Board discussed refinishing the Rec Hall bathroom. Ron Reiter and Roger McGarrigle will
look into whether to seek additional bids and recommend a project scope.
New business
Jan and Janet informed the Board about mostly positive neighborhood feedback on the recently
posted limitations on feeding birds and other wildlife.
Chimneys and Brick Walls – Steve and Ron will survey and report at the next Board meeting on
any need for brick wall and chimney cleaning necessary due to moisture.
A request from the neighborhood to keep pools open past September 16 had considerable
discussion. Steve explained that even when the weather may seem warm enough for outdoor
pool activity, increasingly cooler evenings increase pool heating costs. The Board agreed to
close all pools for the season effective September 16 except A Pool, which will remain open
until September 27. A Pool is less expensive to heat and most accessible to a majority of
CHOA residents, including good adjacent parking. Jan will send out a notice about the A Pool
extension and also remind residents about Spring Ridge indoor pool access during the winter.