July 10, 2019

President Jan Landis called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. and welcomed guests.
Members present: Jan Landis, Karen Siegel, Janet McGarrigle, Packard Phillips, Ron Reiter,
Sandie Maki, Randy Hitz, Doug Parker, Robin Shultz and Steve Chinn.
Absent: Barry Hendrix
Guests: Alicia Tomasi
10:00 AM – Welcome and Call to Order
• Minutes from June Meeting. Approved with corrections.
• Treasurer’s Report: – approved. We are questioning the water bill as it seems to be
too high. We will send out the trust quarterly to the board. Sandy reported on past
due accounts and good progress has been made in getting accounts up to date.

10:15 AM – Old Business
• Speed of cars on Fairway -Robin’s report. The city hopes to get the speed check
on Fairway on July 12. It will be on Fairway for one week and then go to Boones
Bend for a week. Speed and number of cars will be recorded.
• Parking on Fairway -Robin’s report. Michael Carr, city engineer, has not yet
responded to our questions. If we can’t get answers from him, we will go to the city
manager. Jan suggested that we discuss the parking issue with the city as part of
our speed discussion since we will have data on speed and amount of traffic. As
residents, especially board members, we have a responsibility to remind people to
park in the right places if we see them parking illegally.
• Reserve Study – Report from Reserve study Committee. Questions remain about
how to handle funding of painting in the future. Overall our reserves are looking very
good. We are funding the reserve at about $15,000 more than the study
recommended. We may need to pay the accountant more for the added costs
associated with the painting accounts. Doug and Packard will read our CC&Rs to
determine the legal parameters for improving our painting accounts.
• Additions to Rec Hall agreement? Need a policy for ongoing activities. The board
discussed charging a deposit/housekeeping fee of $200/year. The board thought the
activity must be a benefit to CHOA residents and at least one CHOA resident must
be part of any activity. Jan, Doug, and Randy will draft a policy for board
• Neighborhood Watch – Report from Open House “How interested are residents”.
Sarah McClurg, Clackamas County Sherriff, will do training for how to do
neighborhood watch. First training will be Saturday, Sept 21. Sarah is also available
for an evening training.
10:30 AM – New Business
• Fix of gap between floor of kitchen and cove base. All need to see if they like
the work done on this.
• Finishing of Rec Hall Bathroom – Steve will provide estimate of what is will
cost to get the restroom fixed.
• Window that was part of Bathroom solution? – Steve will provide an estimate
of costs.
• Steve will give an estimate of cost for a locked glass cabinet and finish of the
Hall entry wall.
• Golf course irrigation report – Karen/Jan. CHOA uses power from golf
course controllers. Golf course needs to take our controllers off so, we need
to get power for our own controllers. Karen presented options. Packard
moved and Ron seconded that the board install solar power for our 8
controllers at a cost of approximately $1100 to $1900 per controller. Money is
available in reserve for this work.
• Internet Scams. Sandie received an email about CHOA business that turned
out to be a scam. Jan cautioned all of us about this and urged us to text one
another if we think anything is questionable. Steve urged we contact the
Sheriff’s office and the Dept of Justice as problems arise.

Open Forum
Alicia reported that she needs her gutter painted and that the tree which was causing damage
to the sidewalk was taken down. Steve said he will get in touch with the painters.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:48 a.m.