December 11, 2019

Members present: Karen Siegel, Janet McGarrigle, Packard Phillips, Jan Landis, Ron Reiter,
Sandie Maki, Barry Hendrix, Doug Parker, and Steve Chinn.
Absent: Randy Hitz
Call to order 10:01 AM

Minutes from November Meeting Approval, with Corrections

Treasurer’s Report

Old Business
Additions to Rec Hall agreement
Doug presented the Rec Hall agreement draft to the board.
Rental Agreement for single and recurring use
• Must have a CHOA member to sponsor and be present entire time of event
• Provide insurance?? Especially when there is alcohol present for the event
Per discussion regarding insurance – Steve will check with Jay about liability and guest that
would use the Rec Hall. Do we request that they check with their insurance? Do we need to
add to our CHOA insurance?

Chimneys and Brick Walls
A Letter will be sent out to the home owners who’s chimneys or brick walls are in need of
Cleaning. Via Email Steve sent a draft of the letter to all board members. The only change to
the letter was that the date that owners needed to complete the cleaning to May instead of
April. Steve will make this adjustment and get the letter sent.

Report on efforts to address street safety
Jan Landis reported that the request to the City of Wilsonville to lower the speed limit was
More signs were purchased and place on CHOA streets
Next step will be to petition CCC to see if speaking to the City on behalf of ALL of Charbonneau
could be a stronger voice. Jan will contact CCC to set up an appointment.
Irrigation system
Karen reported that Garron grounds have inspected all of the irrigation systems.
We will need to wait to see what levels the golf course operates at this next year to see what
adjustments are needed to our system
Range Resident Use of Pool
Sandy reported that The Range accepted the proposal from the last Board meeting and also ask
about use of the Rec Hall. The board will discuss this request after we finalize the Rec Hall use
application. If no further changes The Range would collect fees and names of residents
interested in using CHOA Pools starting in March.
• There were still some questions about who would collect money from the Range
residents and keep track of Keys.
• They did have a request for meetings for The Range to be held at Rec Hall, since they do
not have a meeting place

Rec Hall Bathroom Scope of Work
Roger McGarrigle presented a very complete Scope of Work document that he created. This
document will be given to Contractors as part of the bidding process. Within the document
there were specific line items that included the flooring and fixtures that either needed to be
replaced or reused.
It was discussed and decided that the floor surface would be deleted from the document and
completed as part of the Pool resurfacing in the summer.
• Next steps: At the end of the meeting several members inspected the bathroom fixtures
and after going online to review the fixtures suggested in the document, board
members will email Roger their approval
• Choose colors in section 6 of document
• Get feedback so we can have the Scope of work out by January 1st – so feedback back to
Roger by 16th
Rec Hall Monitoring
It was decided that a board member needed to be the point person for use of the Rec Hall. The
board decided that Packard Phillips would be the most logical board member and he would
work with Karen Miller and Sally Brallier.
Painting Trust Reserve Fund
Doug Parker reported that he had looked at the CC&Rs to see if we could add this to our
general reserves. Looks like we can and the Ad Hoc committee will be work with our Attorney
to finalize. CC&R might need some amendment so need to check with Attorney – Article 7 Sec
We have 3 years to the next painting of “A” neighborhood
• Motion was made to have Doug and Packard take the proposal to our attorneys. Passed

New Business
Jan Landis reminded everyone that the Winter Party would be January 25th at 5:00 pm (set up
4:00 pm by all members).
Barry Hendrix stated that he would send out a save the date to residents
It was suggested that perhaps the party using the CCC dining room prior to our party might
allow us to work with them on decorations and allow us to set up a little early or use some of
their set up.
Next step: Jan Landis will find out who they are and reach out to see if they would be agreeable
to a coordinated effort
Meeting adjourned at 12:25 PM
To keep for further discussion
• Vote the board for a lower quality grade roof
• Process for informing for next painting – paint chips available, etc.
o Send out information 1 year in advance
o Have Database and Chips on the Rec Hall bulletin board
o Ann to send a note to new owners about paint color change

Respectfully submitted by Jan Landis