Charbonneau Homeowners Association Board Meeting Minutes for November, 2022
Charbonneau Homeowners Association Board Meeting Minutes for November, 2022
Call to order at 10:00 AM
Board Members Present:
Sandie Maki, Packard Phillips, Bob Bush, Barry Hendrix, Robin Shultz, Ken Gregson, Karen Siegel, and Randy Hitz
Absent: Janet McGarrigle
Also Present:
Steve Chinn and Mike Chinn, Property Managers
Guests: Sandy Batte, Patrick Donaldson
The October 2022 meeting minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Open Forum
Sandy Batte and Patrick Donaldson represented the CCC to talk about emergency preparedness. They complimented Eric Hoem for his good work for CHOA and noted he is stepping down. They are seeking someone from CHOA to be part of the CCC committee. Each HOA needs a leader to serve on the committee. They shared a handout listing the expectations of committee members and they explained the importance of the committee’s work. The committee meets monthly for 90 minutes and a couple times each year with HOA captains. Leaders are also expected to meet with their own HOA captains a couple times each year.
Old Business
Barry reviewed the following goals with the Board.
Board Goals for 2022
Draft CHOA Board Goals:
- Finance
- Timely and accurate monthly reports- reports provided a week before Board meeting
- Investment Policy in place- Done
- Fund the Reserve as recommended -annual investment in Reserve by Dec 31st
- Balance the Budget- Budget review at end of year
- Zero based budget -build up from Zero vs. Roll-over- Budget process annually
- Pools/ Rec Hall C
- Maximize Pool usage -% of days pools available during the Pool season- goal 95% (No pools were closed this year.)
- Maximize Rec Hall C usage- % of days Rec Hall is available to CHOA- goal 95%
- Communications
- Timely and accurate Posts -Posts in place at least 5 days prior to event
- Keep Mail Chimp up to date- Annual review and clean-up of system
- Neighborhood survey- Complete as desired
- Welcome
- New homeowners’ introductions -90% of new homeowners contacted
- Community events- Food Trucks, etc.- Hold 5 events annually
- Landscaping
- Maximize landscaping projects for the greatest benefit
- Emergency Prep
- Convert CHOA to meet at locations vs. shelter in place for Great Shake-out -Oct.
- Make emergency prep a board position
- Neighborhood Watch
- Establish a working NW program – get Captains in place by end of year
- Sustainability
- Determine focus and start process on items the Board agrees- get ideas in place by end of year
Recruiting New Board Members
Randy reported that there are three people interested in the two positions which will come available next spring. The board discussed the process for electing new members. Barry suggested that we may need to change the By-laws to move away from having precisely nine members to having a range such as from 8 to 13.
Budget Finalized
Sandy met with Karen and Steve to develop an operating budget and they recommended dues increase by 4.11% (approximately $12 per month per household). This is considerably less than the CPI (8.1%) but is based on expected increases in expenses. One major change was made in the budget to keep the dues at the lower level. No bark dust will be applied next year.
Ken moved and Packard seconded to approve the budget as presented. The motion passed unanimously.
Action Items from October
Action item: Restate the Project approval process since it appears we are using the same process and dollar amounts since 2001.
Barry recommended no change and the board agreed.
Action item: Randy to discuss with Barry and report back regarding board Mtg recordings.
Barry recommended that we NOT send out recordings and instead, encourage people to show up to the meetings. The Board agreed.
Action item: Steve to estimate costs of keeping one jacuzzi open all year.
The board was not interested in keeping a jacuzzi open through the year.
Committee Updates
Pools and Bathrooms
Ken said we had a lot of happy residents because we kept the pools open longer. We received no indication that pools were too crowded with Range HOA people included, but Karen said she thought the pools were used more this year than in the past. It does not seem to be a problem.
Rec Hall
Nothing to report.
Flowers are going in next week. We will have projects for Lake Point Court this year and next year we’re planning projects for entries to the Winchester neighborhood and the Lafayette neighborhood. We will also do a trial project with smart sprinklers. Bob moved and Ken seconded a motion to approve funding the smart sprinkler project at a cost of $2500. The motion passed unanimously.
Welcome Committee
No report.
New Business
Formalize the Bid Process
Barry explained that we do not have specific guidelines for going to bid and he recommended that we develop them. Barry will draft a recommendation for board approval.
Other items
Steve had a question about painting. We used a higher grade of paint in the last paint cycle so it may not be necessary to paint every seven years. He proposed a plan for starting an eight-year cycle (nine years this time for G section) beginning in 2024. The board agreed to delay the next paint cycle at least until 2024 and will re-evaluate next year whether we do eight- or nine-year cycles.
Executive Board Meeting
The board went into executive session at 11:45 AM and returned at 11:53 AM.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 11:56 AM