Charbonneau Homeowners Association Board Meeting Minutes for July 2022

Charbonneau Homeowners Association Board Meeting Minutes for July 2022

Call to order at 3:02 PM

Board Members Present:

Sandie Maki, Packard Phillips, Bob Bush, Barry Hendrix, Robin Shultz, Janet McGarrigle, Ken Gregson, Karen Siegel, Randy Hitz


Also Present:

Steve Chinn and Mike Chinn, Property Managers

Guests: Ann Jackson, Laura Noffke and Sara McClurg


The June 2022 meeting minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report 

Everything is on track.  Two CDs have come due and Sandi rolled over one of them for six months and the other for three months.

Open Forum

No questions or comments.

Old Business

CCC HOA Leaders Meeting

There have been no meetings in the last month.

Board Goals for 2022

Barry presented the following draft goals.

Draft CHOA Board Goals:

  1. Finance
    1. Timely and accurate monthly reports- reports provided a week before Board meeting
    2. Investment Policy in place- Done
    3. Fund the Reserve as recommended -annual investment in Reserve by Dec 31st
    4. Balance the Budget- Budget review at end of year
    5. Zero based budget -build up from Zero vs. Roll-over- Budget process annually
  2. Pools/ Rec Hall C
    1. Maximize Pool usage -% of days pools available during the Pool season- goal 95%
    2. Maximize Rec Hall C usage- % of days Rec Hall is available to CHOA- goal 95%
  3. Communications
    1. Timely and accurate Posts -Posts in place at least 5 days prior to event
    2. Keep Mail Chimp up to date- Annual review and clean-up of system
    3. Neighborhood survey- Complete as desired
  4. Welcome
    1. New homeowners’ introductions -90% of new homeowners contacted
    2. Community events- Food Trucks, etc.- Hold 5 events annually
  5. Landscaping
    1. Maximize landscaping projects for the greatest benefit- Annual survey
  6. Emergency Prep
    1. Convert CHOA to meet at locations vs. shelter in place for Great Shake-out -Oct.
  7. Neighborhood Watch
    1. Establish a working NW program – get Captains in place by end of year
  8. Sustainability
    1. Determine focus and start process on items the Board agrees- get ideas in place by end of year

The board agreed to use these draft goals to guide their work and discussions this year.

Owner input will be sought through an email request.

 –CCC Garage Sale

There will be around 80 families (we had hoped for 50) participating in the garage sale, 25 in CHOA.  Because of the large number of participants, we are expecting a lot of traffic and challenges with parking.

Committee Updates

Pools and Bathrooms

Janet moved to have Steve purchase CCC umbrellas for the pools.  She further moved to have the board consider additional purchases of chairs in the future.  Ken seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Rec Hall

Steve investigated the cost and benefits of a smart thermostat and suggested we install one.  The thermostat should lower our expenditures.  The cost of the thermostat is approximately $150.00.  The board agreed to have him proceed.

The window has not yet been fixed because we discovered that the glass must be opaque.  Since it must be opaque it will not match the other window as we desired.  Janet and Bob will look into the matter with Steve and make a recommendation to the board.


The bark dust work is nearly complete.  The landscaper is monitoring the amount of bark dust used each day and is trying to keep our cost to the level we requested or near to it.

Welcome Committee

Janet is working with Eric to update the neighborhood lists that we pass out with the emergency packet.  Janet gives this information to new homeowners.

Janet was able to meet with three people this month.

Janet wondered if we could give a donation to the Boy Scouts to thank them for the flags on the Fourth of July.    Packard suggested that we give them $100 and the board agreed.

New Business

Niners Pink Ball Tournament

Karen represented CHOA at a meeting about this on June 15 at 10:00 AM. They are hoping HOAs can be more involved. It was agreed that we would post the notice on the event and encourage neighbors to get involved.

Presentation on the Neighborhood Watch Program

Sara McClurg from the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office gave a presentation on Neighborhood Watch (NW).  There is research indicating that neighborhood watch decreases crime.  The key is to develop a good communication system so we can get messages out quickly to everyone.  It’s important for neighbors to get to know each other and make one another aware of times they may be away.  Sara also urged us to be on the lookout for suspicious activity and report it to her office.  It’s especially helpful if we can provide police with license plate numbers.  Finally, she suggested that all homeowners make sure their homes have good locks and latches.  Deadlock bolts should be used.

NW captains should be enthusiastic about the role and willing to take the time to do the job well.  The size of NW groups needs to be manageable, not more than 50 homes.  There is no group that is too small.

Sara said that Charbonneau is a safe place with a low crime rate.  Having well cared for neighborhoods deters criminals.  In addition, Charbonneau only has two entrances and exits and is therefore, not easy for criminals to get away from quickly.

Sara will send a power point presentation to Barry so the board can review her main points and use the presentation as we create NW for CHOA.

Controversial Planters

Owners with the controversial planters in their driveway have been notified by Steve.  They continue to think they should be able to keep the planters.  We will give them notice the planters are to be removed.

Randy moved to require the residents remove the planters by the end of the month.  Sandi seconded.  The motion passed unanimously.

Emergency Prep

Barry wondered if a board member should oversee the Emergency Preparation work.  He will check with other HOA presidents to find out what they are doing.

Adjournment:  5:05 PM