Charbonneau Homeowners Association Board Meeting Minutes for December, 2022

Charbonneau Homeowners Association Board Meeting Minutes for December, 2022

Note: Action items are highlighted in green.

Call to order at 10:00 AM

Board Members Present:

Sandie Maki, Packard Phillips, Bob Bush, Barry Hendrix, Robin Shultz, Ken Gregson, Karen Siegel, Janet McGarrigle and Randy Hitz


Also Present:

Steve Chinn and Mike Chinn, Property Managers

Guests: Debbie Rhodes and Ralph Lakin

Board meeting started at 6:02 PM and the President took the board into executive session.

The Board exited the executive meeting at 6:08 PM


Ken moved and Packard seconded approval of the November meeting minutes.  The motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report 

Sandi reported that the year for our financials is nearly ready to reach yearend.

  • Any big invoices need to be to Ann Higgins and Sandi by Dec 22nd.
  • The last week of December any excess in our operating budget will be transferred to reserves.
  • Some monies will be held back to pay December invoices we expect to receive in January.

Our Reserve Funds Balance is $779,455.86 as of November.

Our current remaining balance in the operating budget is $6,892.00

Past due accounts are paid in full except for one homeowner.

Sandi attended an event to meet the new bookkeeper.  She does not live in Charbonneau but will meet with people a couple days a week as needed.  The bookkeeper is currently working with Ann Higgins until March at which time Ann will fully retire.

Open Forum

No discussion took place.

Old Business

Follow-up on Board Goals for 2023

Barry presented his analysis of our progress toward the goals to facilitate a discussion with the board.

2022 CHOA Board Goals:

  1. Finance
    1. Timely and accurate monthly reports- reports provided a week before Board meeting –DONE
    2. Investment Policy in place- DONE
    3. Fund the Reserve as recommended -annual investment in Reserve by Dec 31stOn Plan
    4. Balance the Budget- Budget review at end of year- On Plan
    5. Zero based budget -build up from Zero vs. Roll-over- Budget process annually DONE
  2. Pools/ Rec Hall C
    1. Maximize Pool usage -% of days pools available during the Pool season- goal 95%- DONE
    2. Maximize Rec Hall C usage- % of days Rec Hall is available to CHOA- goal 95%- On Plan
  3. Communications
    1. Timely and accurate Posts -Posts in place at least 5 days prior to event- On Plan
    2. Keep Mail Chimp up to date- Annual review and clean-up of system- On Plan
    3. Neighborhood survey- Complete as desired- DONE
  4. Welcome
    1. New homeowners’ introductions -90% of new homeowners contacted- On Plan
    2. Community events- Food Trucks, etc.- Hold 5 events annually 3 Food trucks plus Ice cream social
  5. Landscaping
    1. Maximize landscaping projects for the greatest benefit- Annual survey On Plan
  6. Emergency Prep
    1. Convert CHOA to meet at locations vs. shelter in place for Great Shake-out -Oct.- DONE
  7. Neighborhood Watch
    1. Establish a working NW program – get Captains in place by end of year Needs work
  8. Sustainability
    1. Determine focus and start process on items the Board agrees- get ideas in place by end of year- Solar Panels on Roofs?

Ideas to add for 2023:

Emergency Preparedness and Public Safety

Formalize CHOA bid process

Bob and Barry presented the following draft policy for discussion.

DRAFT Bid Policy:

Project work:

When the Board or the Property Manager – acting on the Board’s behalf, decide to initiate a work project expected to require more than $10K, the Property Manager shall follow this procedure as best possible.

  1. The Property Manager shall obtain three bids.
  2. The scope of the project shall be written out by the property manager and approved by the “appropriate board members” (fix this phrase to something better).
  3. Contracts will not necessarily be awarded to the lowest bidder–contracts will be awarded to the best overall value of the bidder as determined by the Property Manager and the Board (appropriate board members?).
  4. The requirement for three bids may be waived depending on the circumstances, i.e., whether the work is an emergency, the association has a long-standing relationship with a particular vendor who is especially knowledgeable about the work being bid-out, changing vendors would disrupt existing warranties, and/or other vendors are not be willing to bid on the project.
  5. If the project is expected to be over $25K, the three-bids requirements shall not be waived.  If an emergency exists, the property manager shall take whatever action is needed to mediate the emergency, report to the board promptly (~1 day after the emergency ends) and then revert back to this policy.
  6. A response of “no-bid” will be considered a bid as part of this process.

The Board will give the Board President/Chair the authority to make decisions on items under $10,000 as long as the President, (appropriate board member?) and Property Manager are in agreement with the decision.

The Board has the right to change this Policy as needed with a Majority vote of the Board

Barry will make changes based on the discussion and bring this back for the board to act on at the next meeting.  One change suggested was to add a number 7 stating that “projects under $10K must be approved by the President or a board member responsible for the relevant budget”.

Committee Updates

Pools and Bathrooms

Nothing to report.

Rec Hall

The committee had nothing to report.

Janet noted that the window is still not fixed.  Barry will follow up with Steve.

The board noted that the holiday lights on the building are terrific.


Karen said not much is going on.  The landscapers are blowing leaves and basically keeping things cleaned up.

Welcome Committee

Janet met with a person interested in chairing the Welcome committee when Janet retires from the board, and she will begin working with Janet this month to learn the role and assist Janet.

New Business

Winter Event—Janet

The board decided that having an event this winter is not a good idea due to Covid and flu epidemics.  They will consider having an event later in the year.  Janet will reserve the pavilion for an event next summer.

Solar Power Discussion–Bob

Bob gave a presentation explaining costs and logistics regarding solar panels and he shared his ideas of the pros and cons.  The purpose of his presentation was to inform the board and see about their interest in promoting solar for CHOA residents and get group pricing.  He still wants to talk with the Energy Trust of Oregon to see how communities can best participate.

The board agreed to a) develop a survey to send to residents to determine their interest, b) investigate putting solar panels on the Rec Hall, c) contact Energy Trust of Oregon about doing a presentation, D) reach out to CCC to see about their interest.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:18 PM