August 12, 2020

Board Members present:
Barry Hendrix, Karen Siegel, Doug Parker, Packard Phillips, Robin Shultz, Janet McGarrigle,
and Sandie Maki
Also Present: Steve Chinn, Property Manager
Absent: Ken Gregson and Randy Hitz
Guests: none
Call to order 10:00 AM
Minutes from the July meeting were accepted.
Treasurer’s Report was accepted.
.No members were present.

Additions to Rec Hall rental agreement
Doug asked who should be listed among those who can be contacted in case people
have questions or need assistance related to the Rec Hall. The group agreed that the
list should include Karen Miller, Sally Brallier and Steve Chinn. Robin asked when we
might open the Rec Hall and Barry said we would do so when cleared by Clackamas
Retention of Files
Karen and Sandie have dropped files in Dropbox. Karen will add the Garrons contract. Steve
still has a lot of things to put into Dropbox. Janet will also add documents including letters to

Safety – Neighborhood Watch
Robin did a post of the neighborhood watch and so far, just two people, Bill and Jane Spiller,
have expressed interested. The board appreciates their willingness to serve. The only
downside is they are gone six months out of the year. We will continue to seek additional folks
to volunteer.

Alarm systems across CHOA- review options
Ken and Barry are working with the people at Wilsonville Locks. They claim they
provide service for most of our people, but admit they do not do all. They have asked
for a list of people we think are using their system. Ken and Barry are working on that
list now. After we establish the details the board will discuss how next to proceed.
Sandie recently found out that her system had not been working for three years. Barry
reminded us that our By-laws say we will provide that service.
Parking lot signs
Steve sent sign design options to the board members. They agreed to signs that say,
“Guest Parking Only” and have the Charbonneau logo. We need to order around 30 of
them at a cost of approximately $450. Installation will be over $1000 including posts.
The total budget could be as much as $2500. We are also planning to do striping on
the parking lots. That will cost around $2500. Sandie said we can afford this because
many committees will be under budget for the year due to Covid 19. Packard moved to
have both projects, signs and striping, done. Robin seconded and the motion passed

Pavement repair
Steve has looked into this and found that doing all the repairs to meet the new
standards could cost over $30,000. He put out bids and they all came back at similar
costs. We don’t have that money right now so in the future we will look into adding
more to our reserves for this item and pay for it over a three- or four-year period.
Committee Updates
Pools: Pools are closed until further notice. Not likely to open this year.
Landscaping: Rodent damage to our irrigation (squirrels chew on the plastic nozzles) is
costing us a lot of money. Karen asked Garrons to try brass nozzles instead of the hard
plastic ones. We’re going to order a small supply to test them. They are more
expensive, but much less expensive than the labor it costs to replace the plastic
nozzles. Finally, water usage has gone up due to some breaks in the system and to hot
weather so our water bill will be relatively large this month.

One homeowner it having trouble maintaining his landscaping. The board discussed
how to proceed with this. The association is responsible for upkeep of landscaping
outside of courtyards. Karen will follow up with Garrons.
Welcome: Covid is making it more difficult for Janet to get in touch with new members.
She tried communicating via email and that worked better than telephone calls. Letters
were sent to 15 people via email and 2 via regular mail. Five people have responded,
so far—a good sign.
Janet noticed that some of the forms on our website are not up to date and others are
missing. Robin will update them but she needs assistance with the process of
uploading. That process is very complicated. Robin will get help from Elaine Swyt.
Barry will work with other board members to be sure Robin gets the most current forms.
All forms should include the date last updated.
Governance: Doug announced that he purchased a new home in Charbonneau and it is
outside of CHOA. Therefore, he will not be able to continue on the board once his sale
is final, on September 10. Board members expressed their appreciation for his work
and their sadness in losing him from the board. But since the next board meeting is on
September 9, he will qualify to attend that board meeting.
Barry will post the board vacancy and at the same time board members will seek
potential members. Doug’s term ends April 2021.
Villager articles
Barry’s article on new board members will appear in September and Karen’s article on
landscaping will be in the October issue.
Notice for ad hoc Zoom Meetings
Steve noted that the bylaws require ten days notice for a special meeting, but Doug
noted this was inconsistent with other documents. Barry will work with Doug and Steve
to clarify and bring this back to the board.

Adjournment at 11:47 AM